The Bremerton Community Farmers Market (BCFM) is holding our Annual Art Design Contest! We need your help to ensure we have an amazing market-inspired piece of artwork to feature on our 2025 market shirt (printing sponsored by FINGERS DUKE!). Not only will the design be showcased on shirts and other products used for fundraising this season, but it will also be featured as part of this year’s market poster, postcards, and other promotional materials throughout 2025.
The winning artist will receive:
$100 worth of Bremerton Community Farmers Market tokens, good for spending at any BCFM market vendor booth and $100 in cash.
A free t-shirt featuring your artwork
Recognition on our website, newsletter, and social media throughout the 2025 season
The warm fuzzy feeling of helping out a local organization with your talents – plus the joy of watching everyone look awesome in your unique design!
Design criteria:
The following text (somewhere in your design): Bremerton Community Farmers Market and either 2025 or ‘25
You may include your name in the design
Design must be original artwork
Three colors maximum. As this design will be screen printed, each shade of a color needs to be set up, and thus counts as a color.
300 DPI
If submitting hand drawn art, it should fill 8 ½ x 11-inch paper and a high-quality scan or photo must be submitted. If selected, the original artwork must be available to be scanned by the screenprinter.
Design restrictions:
Do NOT use photos
Do NOT use stock images or clip art
Do NOT submit copyrighted work
Do NOT include graphic/offensive art/images
To Enter:
Submissions are due by February 28th
Email designs to Manager@BremertonCommunityFarmersMarket.com
Subject line: 2025 Market Art Design Entry
Include your full name in your submission email along with your contact info.
If your design is selected, we reserve the right to use your design in any manner, including but not limited to: reproducing the design, selling items bearing the design, changing or reworking the design by making color or size changes, making derivative works of the design, using the design on the Bremerton Community Farmers Market website and on promotional materials.
Happy Designing!